Dr. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, author of Supercorp, explores the power of a sense of humor as a tool for corporate innovation.
"Creative leaders unlock ingenuity and build support for change by lightening up. They are willing to consider new possibilities that seem absurd, even ludicrous, at first...This is exactly what humor is all about: playing with ideas, challenging assumptions, and poking fun at tradition.Dr. Kanter's brilliant commentary is a serious analysis -- with lots of very funny examples.
In the classic tradition, tragedy is apocalyptic; whatever one tries, the outcome cannot be altered. Comedy, in contrast, is hopeful. It involves ludicrous juxtapositions with never-ending possibilities for improvement. Humor helps us understand that things aren't always as they appear, they can shift shape or form, there are opportunities for change, and we're not trapped by past decisions."
Read "Laughing Your Way To The Bank."